Thursday, July 26, 2012

Bubba Shirts

About two months ago it was time for Little Miss to move into her big girl bed. She really struggled with the transition waking up in the middle of the night every night for the first time in 2 years. Mr. Man and I were at our wits end because this was so out of the ordinary.

In the meantime Little Miss discovered the joy of putting on her brother's clothes. She would giggle and scream with joy once she got his shirts pleased with herself. Little Man had outgrown some of his undershirts and so we decided to give Little Miss the old shirts.

So, I slapped some bows on the old white t-shirts and cinched up the shirt to make it fit better and look Little Miss will only sleep in her "bubba shirts" and the best part is that the first night she slept in her bubba shirt, she slept through the night again and has seemed to sleep much better since then!

1 comment:

  1. what a great idea! you so should put this on ya, nanci
