Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Child with No Fear

My little miss is a child with absolutely no fear of anything. She has no concept of danger and is as curious as that famous little monkey. I know it's all a part of discovering her world but I am terrified that she's going to do something that will cause herself great pain because it take 75 times at least for her to respond to me. While my little man makes me feel like the best mom ever, my little miss makes me feel far from it.

This summer for instance we went swimming a lot. If I put Little Miss on the ground she immediately ran into the pool. Straight off the edge into the water with no one there. After the entire summer of trying to teach her not to run into the pool she learned only to pause long enough for me to anxiously rush to the pool's edge to save catch her.

A couple of days ago I was getting Little Man some water and I walked back into my room where my husband was sitting on the bed and Little Miss was three rungs up a six foot ladder. My heart dropped and when I helped her get down she just laughed and giggled like "wow that was fun!"

I am struggling with how to reign her in or even if I should. I don't want to put out the fire that is her personality but I have to keep her safe.

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