Sunday, March 4, 2012

Youth Sunday Speaks Volumes

As a youth in middle school and high school I remember feeling like I lived for youth Sunday at church. It was a time when we could express ourselves, our talents, our thoughts. One time a year when we could showcase our faith and theology. Being married to a minister I have sat through or participated in one youth Sunday a year since I was in sixth grade and while we won't get into how many years that has been I will say its enough to know that what I experienced today was purely God working through the souls of our young people in a way that was polished and poignant.

Every year I have sat through sermons that made me laugh and made me cry and all sounded like young people not quite getting their point across in the way they wanted. You see there is something paralyzingly terrifying about standing in front of people that have raised you and helped you grow in your faith. Every young person with all their arrogance and invincibility complexes think its no big deal to preach and are grateful to be the one doing the talking instead of the listening. However, the moment they step behind the pulpit in practice and again during the services they realize the importance of what they are doing. In their nerves the message gets lost. Not today.
Today was God's message spoken through our young preachers. Their countless hours of work and prayers for them and by them resulted in their opening their hearts to what it was that God needed them to say in a way that everyone could relate to.

Our church is recently in search of a new minister and thus in a time of change. It is a concept that high school seniors grasp well. They feel how scary it is. They struggle with making decisions that point them down one specific path. Is it the right path, the wrong path? They may never know. But do not be afraid our young preachers said today, for God has promised to be with us. It was the perfect concept for our young people to present to a church congregation in the midst of a huge change. Our young preachers may never know the value and importance of their message today. Honestly I don't think anyone in the world could have spoken more honest or more passionate words to our congregation.

To all us adults that sometimes forget how much our young people really do understand, let this be a reminder that the young people in our churches are a reflection upon God's teaching through us. May we always remember that the people younger than us...know matter what our age...are looking to us for guidance. May we always remember to take every moment to teach. May we always remember to practice what we preach as hard as that is at times. May we always remember to value the thoughts of our young people for new ideas and feedback. Praise be to God for his amazing works through his children! Amen!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like it was a very positive experience for everyone. Wish we had a youth group again at our church. Miss the teenagers alot! nanci
