Friday, May 6, 2011

We Have an Emergency!

It's been a long week. My little man has been sick with allergies all week, my students had to take their test, we had different schedules and a field trip. Yesterday however began what would turn into an incredibly long day and night.

May is a fun time in Oklahoma. The flowers are blooming and emitting their sweet fragrances into the air. Everything is green by this time and the trees are providing their canopy of shade. This is also the time when you drive down the street and think perhaps it has snowed because there are drifts of white stuff blown against the curb. It isn't snow though. It's something much worse. A secret weapon of nature used to torture me. It is the cotton from the cottonwood tree. My body cannot handle it at all.

Yesterday began the journey through the land of pain and suffering experienced each year at this time. While working I went through a brand new box of Kleenex. Yes the whole box! My students thought something terrible had happened but when I told them I was just sick they backed off and avoided me like the plague. (I'll have to remember that for the future). On my way home I experienced the worse pain searing through my face by my eye. I thought for sure I was having an aneurysm and was going to die on the side of the street. Naturally I text my co-worker to tell him where all of the papers are for the field trip and give him all the information to make sure things went smoothly in my absence. To which he responded, wtf, you can't be gone tomorrow.  Finally, I made it home and collapsed in bed with my son who was sleeping.

No stopping for super mom though. I had to tutor a high school student on hyperbolas, parabolas, and ellipses (yikes it's been a long time)! Upon completion of the tutoring I was ready to curl up in bed. I took some choice medication and fell asleep. While sleeping I kept waking up hearing about people in Tibet building houses. It took about three times of this odd experience for me to realize that it was my voice talking about Tibetans building house and what products they were using. It reminded me of a funny story I heard about my mother-in-law thinking Connie Chung was knocking at her door.

So proceeded with the same for the next few hours until I started a fever and body pain. This was definitely worse than body aches. This was a hot, needle stabbing pain every time I moved. I got up to get some water and almost broke down in tears because walking was so painful. Thus began a mad dash of pill popping. I wanted to call in for a sub for the day more than anything but couldn't let down my team. I woke up at about 6, took some more pill cocktail and headed off for the field trip. The day was great and included all sorts of weird and fun conversations in my head. I did manage to keep them all in my head.

Fridays are usually dinner with my parents and since I was sick my dad made all the food. While waiting for dinner to get ready, little man comes running in screeching, "papa we have an emergency.". My heart stops wandering what it could be. I start running through the list of people in the house to make sure they aren't passed out on the floor, I quickly sniff for the smell of fire.  Luckily it was just that the headphones for the computer (which were taped together) were broken, again!

What a day! Glad it's Friday and I can spend some time healing my allergy stricken body!

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