Monday, January 9, 2012

Explanation of the Children, Pray Today Series

As most people have done the past couple of weeks I've been cleaning house...aka...out with the old and in with the new. In this process I came across a book of daily prayers for children. As I was reading through the prayers, I was astonished at the overly graphic language, negative images, and absence of tolerance and love in these prayers for children. I really didn't want to pray about Cain or Abel murdering his brother with my young ones...yikes!

So, I have set out on the mission of providing faith based, kid friendly prayers for families to use with their kiddoes. I'm trying to post one day ahead so they are available for the entire day. I hope that you are able to use these if nothing else as a springboard for your own prayers with your children. And if you have any other prayers you'd like to share that are kid focused, share away!


  1. We love them. I too, am adding a new approach to exploring faith with the kids. Your prayers are wonderful and start great conversations here. Thank you!

  2. I copied a few to share with the families in my sunday school class...thanks for your insight!
    love, nanci
