Friday, March 4, 2011

Body Discussions Begin

So about a month ago my son looked at my daughter while I was changing her diaper, looked at me, looked back at her and said, rather concerned, "momma, how does sister pee without a penis?"  So without skipping a beat I explained that difference between girls and boys and it seemed to be good enough for him...for the moment.  Since then a couple times a week, he just pops off with "so, momma, you don't have a penis" or "look you have big things on your chest and I have small nipples on my chest" 

My discussions with my little man are always informative and serious.  Mr. Chuck laughs every time (probably because he's glad to have dodged the bullet).  I can hear my little man asking his daddy what sex his and daddy saying, "go talk to your mother."  I've realized in this that I also had to let my little man know that there are times when we talk about special body parts and that time is really only inside our own house. 

He hasn't seemed to pick up on the fact that every time he mentions this my hands turn clammy and I feel like I'm going to hypervenilate.  I mean good grief, he's not even four yet and we're already talking body parts here.  I'm entering a realm of uncharted territory for me.  God help me when he starts asking where babies come from!

1 comment:

  1. you do such a good job with teaching him...keep up the good work and keep bloging, I'm enjoying them even if don't always comment...nanci
