Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Smallest Ever 15 Month Old

So, we took my daughter to the doctor for her 15 month check up.  My husband and I had high hopes in weighing our small child because we swore she was getting heavy.  So we take her in, and anxiously hold our breath as the scale goes up all the way to a whopping 16 pounds.  That's right, our 15 month old weighs that of most babies that are 6 months old. 

Our daughter has always been small.  When I was pregnant with her, my doctor sent me for three growth ultrasounds because she was measuring a little small which I guess is unusual for second babies.  Each time she measured within normal ranges but on the small side so no growth restriction.

Over the past 15 months of her life, we have been amazed at how tiny and petite she has remained.  We kept anticipating the huge growth spurt, rocketing her to at least the 50th percentile of the growth chart.  Instead, our daughter is an outlier, skewing the normal limits on the low end.  She is no where even close to falling on the growth chart. 

The nice thing about this is that we aren't having to buy many clothes, although her height is causing some of her dresses to be a tad short.  She has a couple of skirts and jackets that are 0-3 months that still fit her pretty well.  Most of her 3-6 month shorts, skirts, and shirts still fit her and all of her 6-9 month stuff fits her.  In fact her 6-9 month stuff fits her best.  Most of her 12 month stuff is falling right off of her.  How many people can say their infants wore the same clothes a year apart?

The not so nice thing about this is that I am once again a little obsessive and that tends to cause me to worry unnecessarily.  The doctor assures me constantly that she is happy, has good color, and is perfectly healthy.  I just don't know.  She is WAY below the growth chart.  She eats like every meal is her last meal so I know she is getting a lot of food and nutrients.  Maybe she just inherited her father's metabolism because I certainly have to encourage my metabolism along with a swift kick in the patooty.  I guess I just focus on that she is beautiful, and happy thus trusting that if there is anything wrong, I will know.

1 comment:

  1. Right there with you. All our kids were in the same boat. 20 pounds didn't come until nearly 2 years old.
