Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Eye Opener

Have you ever stopped one day to reflect on how you do something and realized that you aren't doing whatever it is at all the way you know you should? I had one of those experiences this week. I was taking one of those crazy online surveys that make you analyze yourself. I started off feeling great because I "knew all the answers" and then about halfway through the quiz I realized that most of the concepts I believe in regarding my job and my personality are things that I have given up on in the past few years.

I could blame it on any number of things...workwise; constantly changing standards and expectations, making excuses, lower expectations from others than what I have myself. Personality wise; having children, working with daily negativity, not feeling supported.

The truth is though that I have allowed myself to slip away from the very things that make my job fun. I strongly believe in students taking an active role in their own assignments and assessments, yet not once this year have I required my students to develop a project in class or assess theirselves. I almost always do rubrics where I grade on one and the students grade on another and then we discuss the differences. I have learned more about how my students learn in the past week because of listening to them than I have all year and we have five weeks left.

I let my style become dictated by teaching to a test and in that I quit being creative. Now that I realize it, I have to fix it. I have to become in practice the person my ideology knows is true me.

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