Friday, April 29, 2011

Bible Reading

So my father decided that he wanted to do a Bible study after our Friday night dinners. So, we started tonight in the extremely to the point book of Mark. It didn't take five minutes before I was thrust back 15 years to my time in youth group when I sat through every Bible study each week thinking "what in the world are these people talking about? It just said there was a flood. That means lots of water and a big boat floating around with pairs of animals." I've never been good at digging for deeper meanings in any literary work. Most of my thoughts were and are completely different than everyone else's which only makes me feel wrong.

Back to tonight though. We start reading in Mark and my dad is talking about all of this stuff and I sat there having moment after moment of "I totally didn't get that" thoughts. And so it made me wonder if sometimes we dig so far into the Bible to try to decipher a deeper meaning that we forget the really important stuff is clear. "Love the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength and love your neighbor as yourself." Do we need more in depth discussions?

Now, that being said there are numerous parts of the Bible that could be taken in different ways such as the passage of baptizing Jesus. Are God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit the exact same entity or are they part of the same? Ultimately though does this have a strong impact on my belief system? Does it really make a difference if they are the same being?

Thanks to my minister husband I will be reading a controversial book called Love Wins. I'll let you know what I discover!

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