Thursday, April 7, 2011

Grrrr BloggerPlus!

I admit that I try to avoid getting too involved with technology.  It's mainly out of a fear that it will take over my entire life because I am so amazed at what can be done with a computer or phone these days.  All that being said, I was trying to blog last night from my newly acquired iPhone (yes I caved to the all powerful Apple peer pressure) and I ran into a problem.  It wouldn't publish because my settings didn't have an album selected for my pictures.  Okay, no problem I can fix this.  Only not really because I can't for the life of me find out where my BloggerPlus settings are.  I have looked everywhere and no luck.  So, if anyone has ideas or has a similar problem I would love any help.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I'm developer of bloggerplus.
    Thanks for using it.

    To setup photo album , please see the our manual page.

    I hope you can setup well.

