Friday, February 11, 2011


Yes this is going to be a post about vomit.  I know, gross but that's all I've seen for the past two days.  Anyone know when it is that kids stop puking in their beds and start puking in the toilet?  Thank God for my wonderful husband who actually cleaned up all of the puke from the beds while I had the pleasure of cleaning the puke out of my children's hair.  This was a first experience for me. 

In the past my son has woken up, got himself wrapped around me and then puked all down me, thus I was cleaning puke off myself.  This time however, he rolled around in his puke a little bit first, then came down and told me that he threw up in his bed.  Then I went to wake up my daughter and yes she had done the same thing!  GROSS!!!  It is way more difficult to clean chunky puke out of longer hair when it is caked in there (yes I am a TERRIBLE mom; which is causing me major anxiety, and had no idea that she puked until it was caked in her beautiful baby hair). 

The most important part to this story is all of the wonderful things I learned about dealing with puke and children:
1.  Kids get scared when they think they are going to vomit; thus they want to crawl up on their mom's lap for protection.  The cold, stinky toilet just isn't as comforting.
2.  Babies don't make noise when they puke so if you hear something even remotely odd....check immediately.
3.  Never believe your child when they say they aren't going to isn't that they aren't going to, just that they don't want to.

Lessons in parenting...gotta love not having an owner's manual!

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea the kids had gotten sick...Steve was sick this past week can really hear him puke!!!!!! and fortunately he can clean himself up...and puke in your own hair is something that has to cleaned up immediately. I remember the time andy puked on me while I was driving him home from school.. It hit the back of my head and slid down my neck into my clothes. we got home, i put him in bed, jessie i kept in her car seat and I went to the shower and got cleaned up...everything and everyone had to wait! love, nanci
